Sound healing therapy involves using sound vibrations and specially tuned sound frequencies to move energy through the body in a way that can help to gently release energetic blocks that may be causing disease and inducing a state of ease and harmony in the body.

Sound healing therapy can promote relief from chronic pain and migraines, improved sleep, reduction of stress and anxiety, a renewed sense of well-being, happiness and calm and many forms of self healing.

Sound has the power to help to shake off any negative blockages our body holds whether it be energetic or physical. It can bring promote balance and healing to our nervous system and chakra centers.

Vibrations are especially useful for healing the body.” The adult body is 65% water, and water is a great conductor for sound vibration. When vibrations travel through the body, they promote circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation.
— Malbert Lee, a Hong Kong-based Crystal Bowl and Gong Master

You can book a one on one treatment session or sound bath or book a group sound bath for up to 6 people.

  • One on one sessions are a more focused treatment session based on your individual needs.

  • Sound baths or group sound baths are more meditative and great for relaxation, improved sleep, reducing anxiety and general aches and pains.



  • Ongoing since 1995, the National Institutes of Health runs the most extensive program in the U.S. for vibroacoustic pain and symptom reduction, treating over 50,000 patients per year. In measuring the physiological and behavioral effects of these interventions with 267 patients, Dr. Patrick George found a 47.36% to 60.97% reduction in pain and symptoms.

  • Tests done with cancer and chemotherapy patients at the Jupiter Medical Center in Florida found similar results: 62.8% reduction in anxiety, 61.6% reduction in fatigue, and between 61% to 74% decrease in pain for 27 patients in 41 vibroacoustics sessions.

  • A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who had surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, vibroacoustics was tested in physical therapy following total knee replacements, showing an increased range of motion. Heart surgeons using vibroacoustics therapy during cardiac surgery recovery found significant decreases in patients' use of sedative and pain medication, time spent on the ventilator, time spent in the cardiac unit, and overall time spent in the hospital.

Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.
— - Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Oncologist

This is what the group session looks like. You can recline, relax and absorb the healing sound frequencies.